Air Conditioning Systems for Homes and small offices:

Wall mounted air conditioning, Home air conditioning, domestic air conditioning

Key Benefits of Using Air Con Systems to Heat and Cool Your space

There’s nothing better than stepping through the door and feeling the perfect temperature – from freezing winters

to scorching summers,

we all want to escape from the cold or the heat. Fortunately, there is a simple way to achieve this.

Air conditioning systems for homes and small offices are the best and optimal way to control the temperature and

have an array of other benefits.

Greater Humidity Control

Humidity can be a real problem for both your health and your home. With a good air-conditioning unit, you will be able to control the humidity which in turn will

reduce the growth of mould, dampness and rot. Humidity can reach extreme levels, damaging your walls, furniture and fabrics.

These contaminants and bacteria, mould and dampness can be extremely damaging to one’s health and especially to those who suffer from asthma,

as these contaminants can cause allergic reactions, skin irritation and other health issues. Installing an air conditioning system will give you

the means to easily control the humidiy, not only enabling a comfortable temperature but protecting you and your from harmful bacteria and contaminants.

Wall mounted air conditioning, Home air conditioning, domestic air conditioning

A More Cost-Effective Heating Solution

Heating your home or small office during the winter can become rather expensive. As well as keeping you cool, air-conditioning is a viable source of heat and is a

much more cost-effective solution for heating in the winter compared to traditional heating systems. Air conditioning systems for homes and small offices are one of

the most efficient ways of heating and saving you substantial amounts in the long run.

Improved Air Quality

Clean air is essential for us to stay healthy and energised and is crucial for those who suffer from respiratory conditions. One of the major benefits

of air-conditioning is the filtration system it uses providing better air quality with the ability to filter out harmful substances, including dust,

pollen and other airborne particles that can cause harm.

Reduce And Prevent Insects and Parasites

When it comes to summertime, nature and wildlife come to life in full force – including the dreaded bugs, insects and parasites. We tend to leave our windows open

during hot weather which unfortunately attracts insects and parasites into your home. These pests are attracted to hot, damp environments.

Thanks to a good air-conditioning system you can keep the windows shut and your place nice and cool keeping the insects outside where they belong.

Improved Home Security

Speaking of leaving windows open, this doesn’t just attract small insects and bugs. Open windows attract criminals and burglars who will

take the opportunity to enter your home, especially during the

night. Air conditioning systems for homes will keep you cool and more importantly safe at night with your windows securely kept shut, you can sleep knowing you,

your family and your possessions are safe.

Bonus Benefit: Better Quality of Sleep

The climate is certainly changing, last summer we toped 40 degrees day time and over 30 degrees through the night. Hot summer nights in the UK can take a toll on

our sleep, with many of us not being able to get comfortable and cool causing sleeplessness. One of the best things about having air-conditioning is enabling

a better night’s sleep. Other methods of staying cool during hot nights such as fans, create a lot of noise and only bring a small amount of relief,

whereas an air conditioning system will keep you cool while being as quiet as a mouse. Keep yourself healthy with better sleep thanks to an air-conditioning system.

Get all The Benefits of Air Conditioning with southern Heating

With one of our innovative air- conditioning systems we can help you gain the benefits of keeping cool in the summer and warm in the winter

Contact us today and speak to one of our experts about finding the ideal air conditioning system for your home.